It is the mission of the entire BioSpectra Organization to adhere to the principles of Carbon Reduction, ECOVADIS (Environmental, Human Rights, Sustainable Procurement and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Transparency in Reporting: BioSpectra strives for transparency in all areas of Sustainability through our public listing of our CSR, Policy Statements and other initiatives on our website, active participate in key platforms such as ECOVADIS, M2030, EMITWISE, CDP, Carbon Net Zero and WordFavor and SBTi.
Carbon Reduction Initiatives: BioSpectra is committed to the reduction in carbon emissions, exceeding the Paris protocols with overall reduction of 50% by 2030. Our targets are listed on SBTi with active tracking on M2030, Carbon Net Zero and EMITWISE platforms. We are working to track and reduce Scope III emissions as well.
Through the Dept. of Sustainability and Portfolio Management BioSpectra is setting ESG goals for the following critical areas
For Further information, please see our annual CSR found in the first section of the Sustainability Web page.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the entire Sr. Leadership and Management Team of BioSpectra,
Paul DiMarco SVP and Sr. Leadership Lead for Sustainability
For more information, please see our CSR
Transparency in Reporting: BiWith the growing need and emphasis on environmental protection, we understand our role as a manufacturer to minimize our carbon footprint. We have established processes and procedures that are executed by our Product Portfolio and Sustainability Department and the Department of Environmental, Health, and Safety to ensure the sustainability of our organization and this Program.
We currently track scope 1, 2, and upstream 3 emissions data with set reduction targets on scopes 1 and 2. One of our goals is set targets for SCOPE 3 reduction
Further information can be found in our CSR found in the first section of our Sustainability Homepage. Additional information can be found on the various web platforms as noted.oSpectra strives for transparency in all areas of Sustainability through our public listing of our CSR, Policy
Statements and other initiatives on our website, active participate in key platforms such as ECOVADIS, M2030, EMITWISE, CDP, Carbon Net Zero and WordFavor and SBTi.
For more information, please see our CSR
Sustainable Procurement is one of four key sections of ECOVADIS. Our program goes beyond the traditional emphasis of this program with in depth analysis and projects to secure as well as sustain our key raw material supplies coming from overseas. This involves the ownership of IP for synthetic pathways and manufacturing also involves fully developed programs to secure approved and qualified raw materials through alternate means of transportation and route of travel to our US manufacturing sites. To learn more, please contact our SVP and Sustainability lead, Paul DiMarco at
For more information, please see our CSR